73% of Learning Goes Unused: Why Traditional Training Fails and How Melanie Boyack Creates Real Impact

Melanie Boyack
6 min readFeb 8, 2024


Surprisingly, 73% of the knowledge obtained through traditional training methods is not used in the workplace. This statistic highlights the inefficiency of conventional educational practices and the need to re-evaluate how learning is approached, especially in professional settings. Melanie Boyack, a pioneer in personal and professional development, is making remarkable progress in overcoming these challenges with her innovative strategies. This article will discuss the drawbacks of traditional training methods and explore how Boyack’s unique approach to learning is bringing about significant, long-lasting changes in organizations worldwide.

The Pitfalls of Conventional Training

Traditional training methods have been the cornerstone of professional development for decades. However, despite their widespread use, these methods are increasingly recognized for their limitations and inefficiencies. The challenges associated with conventional training are multifaceted, affecting not only the retention of knowledge but also its application in the workplace.

Lack of Engagement and Retention

One of the most significant drawbacks of traditional training is its often passive learning environment. Methods such as lectures, standardized tests, and one-way presentations fail to engage participants actively, leading to lower retention rates. When learners are not actively involved in learning, the likelihood of retaining and applying the information decreases substantially.

Inflexible Learning Environment

Conventional training programs typically follow a rigid structure, offering the same material in the same format to every participant. This one-size-fits-all approach overlooks individual learning styles, preferences, and pace, making it difficult for some participants to absorb and understand the content thoroughly. The lack of customization can result in a learning experience that is less effective and less relevant to diverse audiences.

Failure to Translate Learning into Practice

Often, even when learners retain information through traditional training, there is room for improvement in translating that knowledge into practical, actionable skills that can be applied in the workplace. One significant challenge is the gap between theory and practice, as learners may need to be given more opportunities to use what they’ve learned in real-world situations. If knowledge is not implemented, using it effectively in the workplace can be challenging. It needs to be applied practically to ensure that knowledge is well utilized.

Neglecting Emotional and Psychological Factors

Learning is not solely an intellectual process; it involves emotions and psychological states. Conventional training methods frequently ignore the impact of emotional and psychological barriers to learning, such as anxiety, stress, and previous negative experiences. By not addressing these factors, traditional training can inadvertently hinder the learning process and reduce the program’s overall effectiveness.

Overlooking the Need for Continuous Learning

Another limitation of traditional training methods is their episodic nature, often treating learning as a one-time event rather than an ongoing process. This approach must accommodate the continuous evolution of industry standards, technologies, and methodologies. In today’s fast-paced world, lifelong learning is paramount, and training programs must be designed to encourage and support continuous professional development.

Melanie Boyack’s Revolutionary Approach

Melanie Boyack’s innovative professional development methods transform how individuals and organizations approach learning and growth. Her strategies stand at the intersection of neuroscientific research and practical application, making her a pioneer.

Rewiring the Brain for Success

Leveraging Neuroplasticity

At the heart of Boyack’s methodology is her expertise in neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience. By teaching individuals how to rewire their brain patterns, Boyack enables them to shed limiting beliefs and embrace new, constructive behaviors. Focusing on changing thought patterns and behaviors at a neurological level is critical to ensuring that learning is absorbed and effectively implemented, fostering enduring personal and professional development.

Empowering Through Knowledge

Boyack’s approach empowers participants by giving them the knowledge and tools to shape their thought processes actively. This empowerment is crucial for breaking free from entrenched patterns and fostering a mindset conducive to success and growth.

Navigating Trauma’s Impact

Understanding Trauma’s Role

Recognizing past traumas’ profound impact on an individual’s ability to learn and grow, Boyack incorporates specific strategies to address and navigate these challenges. Her approach acknowledges that trauma can create significant barriers to personal and professional development, including resistance to change, fear of failure, and emotional dysregulation.

Facilitating Healing and Growth

Through her programs, Boyack offers a pathway for individuals to confront and move beyond their traumas. By creating a safe and supportive learning environment, she helps participants break free from the cycle of trauma, thereby unlocking their full potential for engagement and benefit from the training provided.

Comprehensive, Customized Training Programs

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All

Rejecting the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to training, Boyack designs her programs to meet each organization’s and its employees’ distinct needs. This customization ensures that the training is relevant, engaging, and directly applicable to participants’ daily tasks and long-term objectives.

Tailored Content for Maximum Impact

The meticulous design of Boyack’s training programs ensures that every aspect of the content serves the specific goals and challenges of the organization. By aligning the training content with real-world applications, Boyack maximizes the likelihood of successful implementation and lasting organizational change.

The Results Speak for Themselves

The impact of Melanie Boyack’s innovative approaches to learning and development is most vividly seen in the tangible outcomes reported by organizations that have engaged with her services. These entities have witnessed a remarkable transformation within their teams, highlighted by decreased employee burnout and a significant enhancement in overall performance and satisfaction levels. Such results affirm the effectiveness of Boyack’s methods in boosting learning retention and cultivating a more positive and productive workplace environment.

Testimonials from Industry Leaders

The glowing testimonials and recommendations from a roster of prominent figures across various sectors further validate the efficacy of Melanie Boyack’s work. Notable endorsements come from:

  • Richie Landward, LCSW, MPA, MBB, Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, praises Melanie for her high-quality work, openness to learning, and intrinsic motivation to enhance the lives of others. He lauds her as one of the state’s most adept trauma therapists, emphasizing her proficiency in utilizing Mind Body Bridging and other evidence-based models to fulfill her clients’ therapeutic needs. Landward sees Melanie as a continuing force for support and change, especially in First Responder trauma instruction and counseling.
  • Joseph Cyr, Patrol Sergeant, FTO Coordinator; Fire Chief Aaron Brems; Jack Tidrow, President of the Professional Fire Fighters of Utah; Val Shupe, Executive Director of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association; and Sheriff Kelly Sparks have all attested to the transformative impact of Boyack’s programs within their respective organizations.

Leveraging Unique Expertise

Melanie Boyack’s unparalleled contribution to the field is deeply rooted in her unique background as a trauma therapist. Her extensive experience dealing with high-stakes situations, including hostage crises and collaborations with elite units such as military special operations, SWAT teams, and Special Forces, has furnished her with profound insights into stress management and resilience. This unique perspective enriches her training programs, making her a highly sought-after professional and personal development expert.

Fostering Resilience and Productivity

Boyack’s ability to intertwine her deep understanding of trauma therapy with evidence-based learning models has set a new standard in the field. By addressing both the psychological and practical aspects of learning and development, she enhances skill retention and fosters an environment where employees can thrive amidst challenges. The endorsements from various leaders in the field underscore the broad applicability and efficacy of her methods across different professional landscapes.


The stark inefficiency of traditional training methods, as evidenced by the 73% unused learning, necessitates a shift towards more innovative and personalized approaches. Melanie Boyack’s work exemplifies how such a shift can lead to significant personal and professional development improvements. By addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of learning, customizing training to individual and organizational needs, and leveraging the latest neuroscientific research, Boyack sets a new standard for effective learning and development programs.



Melanie Boyack

Keynote And Corporate Trainer in Salt Lake City, Utah